Callus area (μm2) measured in fluorescence-labeled sections of the tibia divided into craniomedial (A), caudal (B), and endosteal (C) regions in Non-Ovx and Ovx rats treated with ALN, 8-PN and/or Vib. (D) Total callus area (μm2). CG: calcein green stained callus area built within 0–22 days, AC: alizarin complexon stained area built within 23–32 days, TC: tetracycline stained area formed within 33–41 days after osteotomy. Means ± SD of at least eleven replications. Asterisk: means differs from all other groups, (a) vs. Non-Ovx, (b) vs. Ovx, (c) vs. Ovx + Vib, (d) vs. Ovx + ALN, (e) vs. Ovx + ALN + Vib, (f) vs. Ovx + 8-PN, (g) vs. Ovx + 8-PN + Vib (p < 0.05). Scheffé-test: CG endosteal, CG caudal, total caudal. Dunn-test: all other parameters.