Figure 5: Human NSC derived neurons cultured within chips exhibit excitatory synapses.
Immunostaining was performed at differentiation day 26. Neuron imaging was performed in the somatic compartment. A) vGlut1 (green) and (B) DAPI (blue) immunolabeling. (C) mCherry-labeled neurons (red) retrograde labeled using a modified rabies virus. (D) A merged fluorescent micrograph of (A-C). (E) Dendritic spines and vGlut1 positive puncta colocalized with mCherry-positive dendrites, shown in a zoomed in region from (D). Immunofluorescence micrographs of (F) neuron specific marker, β-tubulin III (magenta), and (G) vGlut1 (green). (H) Overlay of β-tubulin III, and vGlut1.