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. 2019 Sep 5;4:e6. doi: 10.1017/gheg.2019.5

Table 1.

Subthemes of accountability and demonstrative quotes among 14 female faculty key informants

Accountability subtheme Quote
Formal mechanisms ‘I do know Emory has made great strides in having beefed up, or maybe having created Office of Equity and Inclusion, and they do I think good work on compliance in some respects and that is definitely an improvement. The challenge is always in the weeds. People in positions of power have to do what they need to do when they know that someone is violating the policies’ (#6-UL).
‘It's not about having best practices. It's about applying strategies and holding people accountable…But training doesn't really equate to moving the needle. So, we all say we'll do better, and we go back to our units and we have a search and we forget to do better. Or we do better, or we think we've done better because we've been able to check the box that we have a woman in the search and that we have a minority in the search. But to really do better, someone has to hold people accountable for that. To date we really haven't had a robust strategy for holding departments, department chairs, search committees we haven't had a strategy to hold them accountable. So you don't see the needle moving’ (#7-UL).
Faculty life course
Search committee composition and pools ‘We have some good guidelines for how to create a diverse pool, including gender…we need put some real teeth into our expectations, that pools are diverse and if there are not diverse then searches won't go forward. I think there are things that we can do to implement our own expectations around hiring that would help to get more women in leadership or more women in science’ (#5-UL).
Hiring ‘Have to say I've never heard that mentioned about a man. About whether they have a spouse that would need accommodations in terms of employment. Again, I have never heard that raised about a man that was interviewing for job. I think I hear it every single time about a woman who is being recruited…You know stuff like that still very much happens on a pretty regular basis, here and lots of other places’ (#5-UL).
Tenure process ‘APT [Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee] values members in National Academy of Science, National Academy of Medicine, you look at the numbers and it is ridiculous how disproportionality male dominated it is. Maybe, either we should really be trying to figure out how to get women in or we should discount these organizations that are completely, good ole boys clubs…So that would be something that the APT-level that maybe we could at least discuss’ (#3-SL).
Promotion ‘When women become associate professors they start doing service, and they do more service than men. I think the heavy reliance on women, and particularly minority women, to do service for the university on committees, to do the kind of housekeeping of the university I think hampers their ability to get promoted…which means we end up with full professors who are largely male’ (#6-UL).
Gender bias in parenthood ‘They see it as someone having more time, and therefore they should have gotten more done. So the bar is raised for that extra year. And that's just crazy. It's not uncommon that you have to remind somebody that it wasn't an extra year’ (#5-UL).
‘sabbatical under the guise of parental leave…fathers who aren't primary care givers get an extra year and outpace the productivity of their female counterparts’ (#1-SL).