Putative basal type II neurons show electrophysiological response properties that are distinctly different from basal type I neurons. A, Current-clamp traces from the neurons indicated (arrows) in the Hoffman image at the center of the panel. For this and subsequent figures, three sample responses to a 240 msec step depolarization are shown for each neuron: the bottom trace was subthreshold, the middle trace was taken at or close to electrophysiological threshold, and the top trace was at a suprathreshold level to show the maximum number of action potentials fired by a particular neuron. Neurons were isolated from the basal cells of P7 CBA/CaJ mice and maintained in standard culture conditions for 6 d. B, Anti-peripherin labeling reveals presumptive type II neurons. The same field shown in A stained with different antibodies. Top panel, Monoclonal neurofilament 200; middle panel, polyclonal peripherin; bottom panel, superimposed images of neurofilament 200 and peripherin. Inset, High magnification of neuron 3 stained with peripherin.