Figure 3.
Relationship between ETH secretion and cGMP response in Inka cells at larval ecdysis. A, Examples from wild-type larvae of Inka cells in classes I-IV, showing ETH-IR (top) and corresponding cGMP-IR (bottom). B, Examples of two Inka cells from a single trachea of a EH-KO larva dissected at ecdysis (top row, ETH-IR; bottom row, corresponding cGMP-IR). C-E, Frequency of Inka cell classes I-IV at various times during progression to ecdysis in wild-type [C, CS (wild-type Canton-S strain)], EH KO (D, EH KO), and control (E, Control) larvae. Each class is represented as indicated in A. The times examined correspond to times used in Figure 2. nd, Not determined. × symbol in D indicates that these time points could not be determined because of abnormal tracheal air filling in EH KO larvae (see Results). n > 9 larvae for each time point. Scale bar (in B): A, B, 10 μm.