Direct projection of VGLUT3-immunoreactive medullary raphe neurons onto SPNs. a, Injection of recombinant Sindbis virus into the rRPa and RMg at the rostrocaudal level of interaural -2.30 mm. Infected cells expressed a membrane-targeted form of EGFP. b, Infection of VGLUT3-immunoreactive neurons with the Sindbis virus. There were neurons exhibiting both VGLUT3 immunoreactivity (red) and EGFP fluorescence (green) in the injection site (arrowheads). c, Double fluorescence microscopy for EGFP fluorescence and VGLUT3 immunoreactivity in a horizontal spinal cord section of the T3 segment. The right and left photomicrographs were taken at the same field under different excitations. EGFP-positive axon fibers and terminals were densely localized in the IML, and their distribution well overlapped that of VGLUT3-immunoreactive terminals (arrowheads). d, Confocal laser-scanning microscopy of IML sections triple immunofluorescence-stained for EGFP (green), VGLUT3 (red), and ChAT (blue). Close apposition of axon swellings double-labeled with EGFP and VGLUT3 immunoreactivities to ChAT-immunoreactive dendrites (arrowheads) was found in both upper (T1-T4) and lower (T10-T13) thoracic segments. Scale bars: a, 300 μm; b, 50 μm; c, 200 μm; d, 5 μm.