Effect of OGD on the evoked population spike in area CA1 pyramidal cells. A, Representative individual recordings before, during, and 60 min after 7 min OGD in a hippocampal slice from an adult rat. Postsynaptic population spikes were recorded from area CA1 pyramidal cells after stimulation of the Schaffer collaterals. During OGD, the postsynaptic response was abolished. The failure of the postsynaptic population spike to recover indicates irreversible damage. The presynaptic fiber volley is indicated with an asterisk. B, Data summary. The baseline values consisted of the average of 10 consecutive recordings before OGD, and the 60 min values consisted of the average of five consecutive recordings. The percentage recovery was calculated as the 60 min values/baseline values × 100. Data are the mean ± SEM of nine slices. *p < 0.001 versus baseline; ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test.