Aβ does not inhibit LTP in iNOS knock-out mice. A, Induction of LTP in the medial perforant path of the dentate gyrus of wild-type mice (filled circles) and in wild-type mice plus Aβ (open circles). Aβ inhibited LTP induction in the mouse dentate gyrus to an extent similar to that in the rat dentate gyrus. B, Induction of LTP in iNOS knock-out mice (filled circles), not significantly different from wild-type mice, and induction of LTP in the presence of Aβ in iNOS knock-out mice (open circles), not significantly different from control. All data shown are the means ± SEM. The traces a-c are the field EPSPs at the times indicated on the graph, with the top traces showing controls and the bottom traces showing the effect of Aβ.