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. 2004 Jul 28;24(30):6676–6685. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1367-04.2004

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Temporal correlations between ET cell spike bursts and PG/SA cell EPSC bursts. Simultaneous extracellular recordings from a rhythmically bursting ET cell (A, B, top traces) and whole-cell voltage-clamp recording (HP = -60 mV) from a presumed PG/SA cell exhibiting spontaneous bursts of EPSCs (A, B, bottom traces). A, Nonsynaptically coupled ET-PG cell pair. Note the temporal correspondence between spike and EPSC bursts in the two cells; area in the rectangle is shown at faster time scale at right. The left cross-correlogram (bin size= 1 msec) of spike and EPSC trains shows significant correlated activity (coefficient of correlation = 5.2) between the two cells. The same cross-correlogram, shown at faster time scale on the right, illustrates that the probability of occurrence of EPSCs in the PG/SA cell is maximal ∼10 msec after the occurrence of the spikes in the ET cell. B, Synaptically coupled ET-PG pair. Inset (at right) of recording at faster time scale shows that each spike in the ET cell is associated with an individual short-latency (∼1 msec) EPSC in the PG/SA cell. The cross-correlogram shows a significant coefficient of correlation with a sharp peak (C = 11.8) at a lag time of ∼1 msec. C, The peak coefficient of correlation was significantly higher (p < 0.005) in synaptically coupled ET-PG/SA pairs compared with nonsynaptically coupled pairs.