Figure 7.
Loss of neurons by apoptotic cell death in Barhl1–/– pontine gray nuclei. A–D, Cells undergoing apoptosis were immunostained with an anti-active caspase-3 antibody in E16.5 (A, B) and P2 (C, D) Barhl1+/– (A, C) and Barhl1–/– (B, D) pontine gray nuclei. A significant increase of apoptotic neurons was observed in the Barhl1–/– pontine gray nucleus at P2 (C, D). E, Quantitation of apoptotic cell death in Barhl1–/– and controlBarhl1+/– pontine gray nuclei during development. Each histogram represents the mean ± SD for four nuclei. Scale bar: A, B, 25 μm; C, D, 50 μm.