Ventral striatal reactivation is particularly prominent during slow-wave sleep. A, EV and REV plotted as a function of sleep-wake categories in the REST2 period. “All” refers to the complete REST2 period, AW to active wakefulness, QW to quiet wakefulness, and SWS to slow-wave sleep. The difference between EV and REV in SWS was slightly more significant (**p < 0.01) than for All (*p < 0.02; n = 17 sessions). The EV for All was significantly higher than for AW (p < 0.05) but not for QW. For SWS the EV was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than for both AW and QW. B, No significant differences were found in the mean firing rates for each phase. C, Mean total spike counts for the three different phases of REST2.