Figure 6.
CaMKIV is expressed in pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus but not in area V1. A, Immunoperoxidase staining for CaMKIV in the hippocampus of an adult monkey after 5 d of ME. CaMKIV immunoreactivity is found in the pyramidal layer (Py) with dense CaMKIV neuropil immunostaining in layers superior to Py. Scale bar, 100 μm. B, C, Immunoperoxidase staining under high-magnification light microscopy is shown for layers IVCβ and VI of an adult 30 d ME animal. Strong nuclear CaMKIV staining is localized to small, round cells that display a different morphology than observed in the Py layer of the monkey hippocampus. Scale bar, 25 μm.