Ca2+ signals evoked by flash photorelease of IP3 and by trains of action potentials in strongly responding non-tg and PS1KI cortical neurons. A, Two-photon image showing resting fluorescence of a non-tg neuron loaded with fura-2. The annular region (excluding nucleus) from which Ca2+ measurements were taken is outlined in blue. B, C, Images and corresponding Ca2+ transients evoked by photolysis flashes with respective durations of 20 and 100 msec. Images show fluorescence ratios (F/ΔF) and are pseudocolored so that increasing ratios (increasing free [Ca2+]) are depicted by increasingly “warm” colors. Each ratio image was formed from ∼10 averaged video frames during stimulation and ∼20 averaged control frames. Traces show measurements of fura-2 fluorescence ratios from the region marked in A. Photolysis flashes were delivered when marked by the arrows. D, Ca2+ transients in the same neuron resulting from a train of action potentials evoked by depolarizing current injection (100 nA, 500 msec). E-H, Corresponding images and traces in a PS1KI neuron. I, Superimposed traces show fluorescence ratio signals in the soma of a non-tg cortical neuron, in response to photolysis flashes with durations of 7, 10, 15, 30, 50, and 100 msec. J, Similar traces from a PS1KI neuron obtained using the same flash durations.