Distribution of TUC-2 and BrdU double-labeled cells in the adult dentate gyrus. Mice were administered BrdU, and 7 d (A-F), 14 d (G-I), or 21 d (J-L) later the brains were processed for TUC-2 and BrdU double immunohistochemistry. Shown are representative images of TUC-2 (green; B, D, G, J), BrdU (blue; C, E, H, K), and the merged images (A, F, I, L). Both TUC-2- and BrdU-immunoreactive cells are localized primarily within or adjacent to the SGZ of the dentate gyrus, the border region between the GCL and hilus. Most of the BrdU-immunoreactive cells are also positive for TUC-2 immunoreactivity (arrows). TUC-2 and BrdU double-labeled cells at 7-14 d of age were abundant in or adjacent to the SGZ (F, I), whereas many double-labeled cells at 21 d were found above the SGZ. Scale bars: A, C, 100 μm; L, 10 μm.