Figure 3.
Camera lucida reconstruction of the M-series from serial horizontal (A) and coronal (B–D) sections. A, Intracellularly labeled bilateral M-cells, left MiD2cm, and left MiD3cm in a fish, which were shown in Figure 2. The axons, lateral dendrites, and ventral dendrites are indicated by thick arrows, filled arrowheads, and open arrowheads, respectively.B–D, Coronal views of the M-series neurons in different fish. Axons of the M-series neurons (thick arrows) crossed the midline and descended along the contralateral mlfD. Lateral dendrites (filled arrowheads) of the M-series neurons extended caudolaterally, and ventral dendrites (open arrowheads) extended rostroventrally. The M-cell had additional small dendrites extending from the soma (asterisks; also in A). The MiD2cm had a medial dendrite extending ventromedially, the peripheral part of which entered into the contralateral brain (gray arrowheads; also in A). The thin arrows in C and D indicate axons of bilateral M-cells. The calibration in D is also applied to B and C. A–D are a composite respectively of 24, 6,7, and 15 serial sections, each 50 μm in thickness. The dashed line indicates the midline. Up is rostral in A and dorsal in B–D.