Figure 4.
Antidromically evoked action potentials of M-series neurons. A, B, AD spikes recorded intracellularly (Intra.) in an M-cell and a MiD2cm, respectively, in response to spinal cord stimulation at threshold intensities (top traces). Corresponding extracellular (Extra.) field potentials are shown below. Failures were represented by gray traces. Three responses were overlaid for each. The onset latency of AD spikes was 0.26 msec (A) and 0.46 msec (B), respectively. Erest was –76 mV in the M-cell and –77 mV in the MiD2cm. Note that the large negative field potentials were observed in the axon cap of the M-cell (A, bottom). C, Frequency histogram of onset latencies of AD spikes from spinal stimulation. The latencies of M-cells (30 cells) were shorter than those of MiD2cm (17 cells) and MiD3cm (17 cells).