PPR recovery of PF-PC EPSCs and PF-BG responses. A, Paired PF-PC EPSCs in 2 mm Ca2+ and 1.3 mm Mg2+ (Vh = -30 mV). B, Paired PF-BG responses in 2 mm Ca2+, 1.3 mm Mg2+, and 200 μm CTZ (Vh = -65 mV). PF-BG responses were recorded in the presence of CTZ to block desensitization, augment the AMPAR response, and minimize the proportion of the PF-BG current caused by glutamate transport (Dzubay and Jahr, 1999). Therefore, in the presence of CTZ, most of the PF-BG response is mediated by AMPARs and could be blocked by 10 μm NBQX (data not shown). C, PPR of PF-PC EPSCs versus ISI (n = 3-5 cells). D, PPR of PF-BG responses versus ISI (n = 3-9 cells).