Genistein suppresses NMDA-elicited eating in satiated rats (experiment 1a). A, Mean cumulative food intake ± SEM (in grams) after double injections, spaced 30 min apart, of (1) vehicle (Veh), genistein (Gen; 240 nmol), or daidzein (Daid; 240 nmol) and (2) vehicle or NMDA (10 nmol). Bars in the graph are shaded according to the postinjection time that intake was measured. Asterisks indicate intakes significantly different from Veh + Veh treatment; the inverted carat indicates intakes significantly lower overall than those elicited by NMDA alone (Veh + NMDA); n = 24. B, The structures of genistein and daidzein differ by only one hydroxyl group.