Tyrphostin A48 and PP1 suppress NMDA-elicited eating (experiments 4 and 5a). A, Mean ± SEM cumulative food intake (in grams) after double injections, spaced 10 min apart, of (1) vehicle or tyrphostin A48 and (2) vehicle or NMDA. Intake is overall significantly greater after NMDA injection (asterisk) and is significantly suppressed by the highest dose of tyrphostin A48 (inverted carat). The chemical structure of tyrphostin A48 is shown above the graph; n = 13. B, Mean ± SEM cumulative food intake (in grams) after LHA microinjection of vehicle or varying doses of PP1, followed 10 min later by vehicle or NMDA. NMDA-elicited intakes are significantly greater than those after vehicle injection (asterisk) and are suppressed by PP1 pretreatment (inverted carats). The chemical structure of PP1 is shown above the graph; n = 15. Bars in both graphs are shaded according to the postinjection time that intake was measured; these times and their corresponding shading are noted in the key between the graphs.