Figure 5.
Nitric oxide potentiates only GABA release when α-adrenoreceptors are antagonized. A, Intracellular recording from a motor neuron (mn) in the presence of TTX illustrates how easily glycinergic (*) and GABAergic (↓) IPSPs can be distinguished based on their durations in control conditions (A1), in the presence of phentolamine (A2), SNAP (A3), and after a wash in fresh saline (A4). Resting membrane potentials are -62, -65, -65, and -64 mV for A1-A4, respectively. B, Three-dimensional histogram illustrates the data from one experiment in which the total number of IPSPs in a 30 sec period in each condition are separated according on their duration. Note, at black arrow, that SNAP only potentiates longer duration IPSPs in the presence of phentolamine (PHENT). C, Quantification of glycinergic (□) and GABAergic (▪) IPSPs for all three experiments are reported as percentage changes from control values (% C). Note the significant increase in the percentage of only GABAergic IPSPs, which contrasts the normal effects of SNAP on both glycinergic and GABAergic IPSPs in the absence of phentolamine (McLean and Sillar, 2002). C, Control; P, phentolamine; S, SNAP; W, wash; n/s, not significant at p < 0.05; **significant at p < 0.05.