Figure 1.
NgR(310)Ecto-Fc antagonism of myelin inhibitors. A, Schematic of wild-type NgR and the NgR(310)ecto-Fc protein for intrathecal infusion. SS, Signal sequence; LRR, leucine-rich repeat; LRRNT, LRR N-terminal cysteine-rich region; LRRCT, LRR C-terminal cysteine-rich region; TM/GPI, transmembrane/GPI anchorage site; Fc, constant region of rat IgG. B, Soluble NgR antagonist NgR(310)ecto protein significantly blocks immobilized NgR binding by all the three myelin inhibitors: Nogo-66, MAG, and OMgp. In contrast, NgR antagonist NEP1-40 peptide only blocks the binding of Nogo-66 to NgR but not that of MAG and OMgp. Means + SEM are reported from 6-12 determinations. The indicated values in the presence of the inhibitor were statistically different from control binding without inhibitor (*p ≤ 0.01; Student's t test).