AdNoggin/AdBDNF-induced striatal neurons developed medium spiny phenotype. A, E, Composite images of newly generated neurons (arrows), double-immunostained for β-III tubulin+ (red) and BrdU+ (green), in the striata of rats injected either 20 d (A) or 56 d (E) before with AdBDNF and AdNoggin. The insets show orthogonal views. B-D, AdBDNF/AdNoggin-induced striatal cells double-immunostained for DARPP-32 (B), GAD67(C), or Dcx (D) (red) and BrdU (green), all shown with corresponding orthogonal views. F-H, AdBDNF/AdNoggin-induced striatal neurons (arrows), double-immunostained for BrdU (green) and Dcx (F), NeuN (G), or MAP-2 (H) (red). Scale bar, 12 μm.