Figure 4.
Comparison of CTB differentiation from StemPro- vs. E8-adapted WA09/H9 hESCs, using BMP4+IWP2.
A) First-step differentiation of the StemPro- and E8-adapted H9s do not show any morphological differences.
B) Flow cytometric analysis at the end of the first step (day 4) did not show a difference in EGFR expression.
C) qPCR for lineage-specific markers. The pluripotency marker, POU5F1, is decreased and CTB markers (p63, CDX2 and GCM1) are increased by day 4 following BMP4+IWP2 treatment, with no difference between the StemPro- and E8-adapted cells. Data are normalized to 18S and expressed as fold-change above StemPro-day 0 (undifferentiated state).