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. 2019 Aug 23;6(8):e12711. doi: 10.2196/12711

Table 3.

Timing of mediation effects—comparison of the mediation effect in multilevel structural equation models fitted to data containing different sets of measurement moments to investigate when the mediation effect occurs.

Combination of measurement moments BADSa GDGRSb

a × bc SE P value a × b SE P value
Combination 1

Pretest 0.03 0.06 .66 0.06 0.04 .17

Week 1–posttest 0.44 0.13 .001d 0.43 0.14 .003d
Combination 2

Pretest–week 1 0.10 0.10 .30 0.20 0.12 .09

Week 3–posttest 0.59 0.16 <.001d 0.50 0.18 .005d
Combination 3

Pretest–week 3 0.20 0.11 .08 0.19 0.10 .04d

Week 5–posttest 0.69 0.20 <.001d 0.60 0.27 .03d
Combination 4

Pretest–week 5 0.23 0.11 .04d 0.22 0.10 .02d

Posttest 0.52 0.15 <.001d 0.24 0.10 .02d

aBADS: Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale.

bGDGRS: Goal Disengagement and Goal Re-engagement Scale.

cCoefficient for the product term testing the mediation effect.
