Tight Junctions and Cilia in Rice Rat Cultures
(A–L) En face images of tracheal cultures of mouse (A), piglet (B), and rice rat (C) showing expression of the cilia protein acetylated alpha tubulin. En face images of tracheal cultures of mouse (D), piglet (E), and rice rat (F) showing expression of the tight junction protein ZO-1. En face images of tracheal cultures of mouse (G), piglet (H), and rice rat (I) incubated with only the goat anti-mouse 488 secondary antibody (secondary used for the detection of acetylated tubulin). En face images of tracheal cultures of mouse (J), piglet (K), and rice rat (L) incubated with only goat anti-rabbit 488 secondary antibody; this secondary was used for the detection of ZO-1. ZO-1, zonula occludens protein 1. Hoechst was used to detect nuclei. For all panels, scale bars, 50 μm. Antibody detection of ZO-1 and acetylated alpha tubulin was performed on two separate occasions for each species. White arrows show example of specific staining.