Rice Rat Primary Cultures Display an Exaggerated Fluid Expansion to Hypertonic Saline
(A–C) Surface fluid expansion in response to apical 3.5% NaCl increased in in mouse (A), pig (B), and rice rat (C) airway cultures.
(D) Fluid expansion responses normalized to baseline values and expressed as a percent for each species. For all panels, n = 4 cultures from mice (2 female cultures and 2 male cultures representing 6 female and 6 male subjects); n = 6 cultures from the rice rat (3 female cultures and 3 male cultures representing 6 female and 6 male subjects); n = 6 porcine cultures (3 female and 3 male representing 3 individual female and 3 individual male subjects). For (B–C) ∗p < 0.05 compared with baseline. For (D) ∗p < 0.05 compared with mouse; #p < 0.05 compared with pig. All data are shown as mean ± SEM.