Fig. 2.
Western blot and densitometric analysis of BV2 cell lysates and conditioned media following treatment with (A) LPS or (B) LY83583 for 0–4 h. Blots and densitometry show an increase in pERK1/2 signal at 15min following LPS treatment, when controlled against total ERK1/2. Secreted CypA was detected in conditioned media peaking at 2h and 4h, following LPS treatment. When treated with LY83583, BV2 cell lysates showed a pERK1/2 signal peaking at 30min, when controlled against total ERK1/2 levels. Following LY83583 treatment, an increase in CypA secretion was detected at 4h. The absence of the cytoplasmic protein β-tubulin confirmed conditioned media was free of cell lysate and that the CypA was actively secreted. Con = untreated control. Values are presented as mean +/-SE; N = 3. Original uncropped images of blots are shown in Fig. 2 are presented in Supplementary Fig. 2.