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. 2019 Sep 6;10:4052. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11933-z

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

SD changes the magnitude of the behavioral responses to fasting. The feeding behavior of 24 h-fasted (lighter shades) and previously refed (darker shades) flies during ad-libitum access to 5% sucrose on the FLIC for 1 h. Control diet, CD (green shade) and high sugar diet day 2, 5, and 7 (SD2, SD5, SD7, purple shades), (See Supplementary Fig. 1 for a schematic). For panels bc, which were analyzed using a Bayesian model (see Methods for details), bars show the median value and extent of a 95% central interval on the population-level mean for samples from the posterior predictive distribution; stars are assigned for each of several comparisons based on the posterior probability from Bayesian analysis of a difference in the indicated direction: ***P > 0.999, **P > 0.99, *P > 0.95. Comparisons are performed for each timepoint’s fasted sample compared with the CD fasted sample, and for fasted vs. refed at each timepoint. For panels df, plotted bars show a bootstrap-based median and extent of a 95% confidence interval; **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05 using a stratified bootstrap; possible comparisons are identical to those in panels b, c. Fasted: CD n = 44, SD2 n = 38, SD5 n = 39, SD7 n = 31 biologically independent animals. Refed: CD n = 30, SD2 n = 34, SD5 n = 28, SD7 n = 29 biologically independent animals. a The percentage of fasted and refed flies that interacted with food on the FLIC (green or purple shades), compared to those that did not eat (gray shades). bf The feeding behavior of flies during the 1-h ad-lib access to 5% sucrose quantified as b as the total number of  feeding interactions; c the number of feeding events (defined as five of more consecutive feeding interactions above threshold); d the mean duration (sec) among feeding events; e the mean time between two or more feeding events (min); f the latency to interact with food (min), calculated as the first feeding interaction initiated on the FLIC. For panels df, replicates with no feeding events were excluded (for panels b, c the no-interaction events are explicitly accounted for in our zero-inflated negative binomial model). Source data are provided as a Source Data file