Putative Susceptibility Genes Associated with Specific Somatic Mutational Signatures
(A) Top mutational signatures contributing to TMB for each cancer type. Each color refers to a specific mutational signature.
(B) Bar plots showing the significance of putative susceptibility genes associated with mutational signatures at nominal p < 0.05 identified for four cancer types. The dashed lines indicate a cutoff of Bonferroni-corrected p < 0.05 for each cancer type.
(C) Violin plots of samples separated by low, median, and high expression levels of the highlighted genes (see Results); the genes were associated with specific mutational signatures at Bonferroni-corrected p < 0.05 for four cancer types. The upper dashed box shows the associations between represented genes and signature 3, as well as signature 13 in breast cancer. Lower diagram: in the dashed boxes from the left to the right, the genes SHROOM2, GPR143, and AICF in colorectal cancer, TBX1 in prostate cancer, and CDK10 in melanoma are presented.