Figure 4.
(a) Baseline model geometry. The arterial wall is modelled as a multilayer structure distinguishing two different domains: intima and media layer. The adventitia is not modelled as a distinct layer but rather as a boundary condition at the outer surface of the media. The initial luminal radius, rl, and the thickness of each wall layer, δj, in the unloaded geometry of the vessel are listed in table 1, based on typical physiological values found in the literature. The stent implanted in the arterial wall is represented by 10 circular struts each of 0.125 mm radius, rs, half-embedded in the tissue and located 0.7 mm centre-to-centre distance, ws, simulating a small lesion of 7 mm. We note that the problem is actually symmetrical about the r-axis, i.e. half way between the 5th and 6th struts. (b) Details of the FE mesh of the computational model. (Online version in colour.)