Fig. 3.
Appropriateness of eye care for glaucoma (a, b) and diabetic retinopathy (c, d) for various domains of care by profession (a, c) and methods (b, d). All quality indicators from the included studies were pooled together. Each data point represented the percentage of compliance against a quality indicator. a Overall, the appropriateness of glaucoma care ranged widely from 2 to 100%. The appropriateness of glaucoma delivered by optometrists and ophthalmologists appeared similar. b When appropriateness of glaucoma care was assessed using clinical agreement with experts, care was delivered appropriately at least 50% of the time. The appropriateness of glaucoma care assessed using other methods ranged more widely. c, d The appropriateness of diabetic eye care ranged widely from 0 to 100%. The wide range and the relatively small number of studies measuring appropriateness of diabetic eye care limited our ability to detect obvious patterns in individual domains for diabetes care