Fig. 1.
Clustered Pcdhs have diverse and dynamic interfaces. (A) The clustered Pcdh dimer is an antiparallel complex where EC1 of the first protomer interacts with EC4 of the other protomer (orange and yellow) and EC2 interacts with EC3 (blue and green). Each simulation thus provides 2 examples of each type of interaction. (B) The BSA of the EC1/EC4 and EC2/EC3 interactions varies throughout the simulations for each simulated isoform (PcdhγB3 EC1-4, PcdhγB7 EC1-4, Pcdhβ6 EC1-4, and Pcdhα7 EC1-5). Instances of rapid interface BSA changes (>400 Å2 in under 5 ns) are indicated with an asterisk in the corresponding color. (C) Percent identity of EC1-4 of the 4 clustered Pcdhs studied here. (D) Percentage of interface residue contacts shared between structures (Pcdhα7, 5dzv; Pcdhβ6, 5dzx; PcdhγB3, 5k8r; PcdhγB7, 5szp) and between structures and MD simulations. Each structure shares a mean of 32% of its contacts with other structures, and a mean of 47% of its contacts with other isoforms in simulation.