Figure 5. Condensin governs the asymmetry in MT-destabilizing factors in the interspecific spretus hybrid.
(A) C57BL/6J x SPRET/EiJ (L x sp) hybrid oocytes, or C57BL/6J x C57BL/6J (L x L) as controls, were fixed at metaphase I and stained for BUB1, H2ApT121, or SGO2. Graph shows centromere signal ratios, calculated as the brighter divided by the dimmer signal for each bivalent. Each dot represents a single bivalent (n > 36 for each condition). (B) C57BL/6J x SPRET/EiJ (L x sp) hybrid oocytes, or CF-1 x CHPO (L x S) and CF-1 x CF-1 (L x L) as controls, were fixed at metaphase I and stained for CAP-D3 and SGO2. Graph shows centromeric enrichment of CAP-D3, calculated as the centromeric signal divided by the chromosome arm signal for each half-bivalent. Each dot represents a single centromere (n > 40 for each condition). (C) Model for how SGO2 and MCAK recruitment depends on condensin in the spretus hybrid. (D) CF-1 x CF-1 (L x L) oocytes microinjected with control IgG or anti-CAP-D3 antibody were fixed at metaphase I and stained for SGO2 and CREST. Graph shows centromeric SGO2 signal intensity. Each dot represents a single centromere (n > 46 for each condition). Images (A, B, D) are maximum intensity z-projections showing all chromosomes (left), or optical slices magnified to show single bivalents (right); red line, mean; *P < 0.001; scale bars, 10 μm.