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. 2019 Aug;9(4):362–370. doi: 10.21037/cdt.2019.08.02

Table 1. Baseline clinical, laboratory, and polysomnographic data of the study population.

Characteristics Control (n=169) Mild OSA (n=145) Moderate OSA (n=94) Severe OSA (n=249) P value
Clinical parameters
   Age (years) 30.51±11.83 36.21±15.50* 38.65±16.25* 43.80±13.77*†§ <0.001
   Male gender, n (%) 67 (39.64) 80 (55.17)* 57 (60.64)* 211 (84.74)*†§ <0.001
   BMI (kg/m2) 33.19±5.60 32.14±6.61 32.82±7.01 31.72±6.91* 0.125
   Neck circumference (cm) 40.16±3.17 40.73±3.74 41.17±3.90* 42.39±4.25* <0.001
   Cigarette smoking, n (%) 20 (11.83) 20 (13.79) 16 (17.02) 61 (24.50)* 0.004
   Hypertension, n (%) 44 (26.04) 61 (42.07)* 36 (38.30)* 149 (59.84)*†§ <0.001
   Diabetes mellitus, n (%) 38 (22.49) 32 (22.07) 27 (28.72) 94 (37.75)* 0.001
   Dyslipidemia, n (%) 65 (38.46) 72 (49.66)* 56 (59.57)* 166 (66.67)* <0.001
   CVD, n (%) 11 (6.51) 8 (5.52) 11 (11.70) 98 (39.36)*†§ <0.001
Laboratory parameters
   WBC count (103/μL) 7.46±1.75 7.46±1.72 7.45±1.98 7.49±2.11 0.997
   Neutrophil count (103/μL) 4.28±1.61 4.25±1.27 4.33±1.75 4.32±1.81 0.967
   Monocyte count (103/μL) 0.51±0.15 0.52±0.17 0.53±0.16 0.53±0.18 0.733
   Triglyceride (mg/dL) 125.81 (92.14–171.00) 134.67 (103.22–209.10)* 160.37 (112.08–216.63)* 174.99 (129.36–253.17)* <0.001
   Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 177.63±68.13 176.88±48.15 184.73±35.66 184.39±36.72 0.315
   HDL cholesterol (mg/dL) 42.38±12.39 41.64±9.24 41.44±10.05 39.41±11.3* 0.038
   LDL cholesterol (mg/dL) 110.81±41.56 113.32±68.93 113.91±31.85 114.09±31.14 0.897
   MHR 12.86±4.74 13.06±5.33 13.59±5.86 14.53±6.37* 0.014
Polysomnographic parameters
   AHI (events/h) 1.94±1.40 9.46±2.84* 22.16±4.35* 57.87±17.95*†§ <0.001
   Mean SpO2 (%) 96.22±1.46 95.56±2.14* 94.79±2.19* 91.78±4.69*†§ <0.001
   LSpO2 (%) 90.0 (85.5–92.0) 85.0 (79.0–89.0)* 80.0 (72.0–86.0)* 67.0 (55.5–77.0)*†§ <0.001
   TS90 (%) 0.00 (0.00–0.20) 0.30 (0.00–1.60)* 1.37 (0.20–6.73)* 18.30 (5.80–39.39)*†§ <0.001

Data are means ± standard deviation, numbers of subjects (%), or medians (range). OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; BMI, body mass index; CVD, cardiovascular disease; WBC, white blood cell; HDL, high density-lipoprotein; LDL, low density-lipoprotein; MHR, monocyte to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio; AHI, apnea-hypopnea index; Mean SpO2, mean oxygen saturation; LSpO2, lowest pulse oxygen saturation; TS90, the percentage of sleep duration with SpO2 <90%. *, severe OSA vs. Control, P<0.05; , severe OSA vs. mild OSA, P<0.05; §, severe OSA vs. moderate OSA, P<0.05.