Figure 4.
A) Schematic view of generating 3a-labeled αS-PpY114 pre-formed fibrils (3a-pffs) and photoconverted fibrils (3a-PC-pffs). B) MALDI-MS and C) SDS-PAGE analysis of wild-type (WT) and 3a-labeled αS-PpY114 (αS-PpY3a114) irradiated for 0 or 6h. FITC (λex = 473nm, λem = 520nm) TMR (λex = 532nm, λem = 580nm) filters are used. D-E) Emission spectra upon photoirradiation to measure disappearance of 3a-pffs and appearance of 3a-PC-pffs. PpY is propargyl tyrosine and MW is molecular weight standards.