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. 2019 Sep 4;12:183–204. doi: 10.2147/IJNRD.S215370

Table 2.

Clinical trials and studies on eculizumab

Study Number of patients Inclusion criteria (IC) and primary end-points for patients (EP) Number of patients with genetic mutations Patients who received dialysis before eculizumab initiation Patients who received PE/PI before Eculizumab initiation Patients with history of renal transplant Duration of study Outcome
Legendre et al (2013)
Prospective study23
17 in trial 1
20 in trial 2
≥12 years old
IC – trial 1: low platelet counts and renal damage
Trial 2: renal damage, but no decrease in platelet count of more than 25% for at least 8 weeks during PE/PI
EP – trial 1: change in platelet count
Trial 2: TMA event-free status (no decrease in platelet count of >25%, no PE/PI, and no dialysis)
13 in trial 1 and 14 in trial 2 5 in trial 1 and 2 in trial 2 16 in trial 1 and 20 in trial 2 7 in trial 1 and 8 in trial 2 26 weeks
Optional extension phase: 1 year
-Trial 1: 50% of patients had a normal platelet count after 1 week and by the end of the study, platelets and LDH levels were normal in 90% of patients.
-80% were able to discontinue dialysis throughout the 26 weeks
-Trial 2: 80% of the patients had TMA event-free status.
-Patients discontinued PE/PI and dialysis, and had improved kidney function
-Patients in both trials where eculizumab was started earlier had better improvement in renal function (P=0.007 in trial 1 and P<0.001 in trial 2)
Licht et al (2015)40
Two-year analysis for Legendre et al's study
Same as noted above Same as noted above Same as noted above Same as noted above Same as noted above Same as noted above 2 years -Data were evaluated at three time points, i.e., 26 weeks, 1 year, and 2 years.
-In trial 1, statistically significant increase in platelet counts was noted at all three time points.
-14/17 patients attained normal platelet count at 26 weeks, and 15/17 attained the same at 1- and 2-year time points
-In trial 2, 16/20 patients achieved TMA free event status at week 26 and nearly all patients (19/20) had TMA event-free event status by 2 years.
Cofiell et al (2015)41
Open-label, nonrandomized, single-group, multi-center trial
41 patients
≥18 years old
IC – platelet counts <150×103/L, hemoglobin levels ≤ LLN, LDH levels 1.5× ULN, SCr ≥ULN at screening, ADAMTS13 activity ≥5% or higher and no positive Shiga toxin-producing E. coli test
EP serum, plasma and urine biomarker levels at baseline, 26 and 52 weeks.
20 24 35 9 26 weeks
Optional extension phase 1 year
-After 1 year, patients had reduced U-C5a, U-sC5b-9 levels, renal injury markers (clustering cystatin-c, b2-M, L-FABP-1), markers of inflammation (sTNFR1), markers of coagulation (prothrombin F112 and D-dimer), and endothelial damage (thrombomodulin).
-TCA and renal markers were reduced to levels seen in healthy volunteers, but other biomarkers were only reduced to levels compared to pre-treatment.
Cavero et al (2017)42
Retrospective analysis
29 patients IC – patients with secondary aHUS,
worsening renal function and persistent TMA despite plasmapheresis.
EP – normalization of platelet count and hemoglobin, disappearance of all MAHA markers,
improved renal function with a ≥25% reduction of SCr baseline
8 patients were detected with genetic mutations but only 3 were considered pathogenic.
2 patients had Anti FH auto antibodies
14 24 1 2–30 weeks
Discontinued at 8 weeks on average
−68% of patients experienced a rapid resolution of the TMA
-Only four patients needed dialysis at last follow-up
-12/15 patients with drug-induced aHUS, and all patients with postpartum, cancer-related, acute humoral rejection and intestinal lymphangiectasis, responded to eculizumab.
-Patients with aHUS secondary to systemic diseases formed a larger part of the cohort that did not respond to treatment with only 2 of 8 patients responding.
-Six patients had hematological resolution but no improvement in renal function
-Three patients had persistent hematological and renal abnormalities despite eculizumab treatment
Walle et al (2017)43
Post-hoc analysis of four Phase II prospective studies
Age 1 month-80 years
IC – documented set of TMA onset symptoms, baseline eGFR of <90 mL/min/1.73 m2
EP – proportion
of patients achieving sustained eGFR increase (defined:
C15 mL/min/1.73 m2 for C28 days) and platelet count
normalization evaluated 1-year post-treatment.
57 43 71 26 1 year -Patients who received eculizumab ≤7 days after initial presentation of the aHUS showed a significantly (P<0.05) greater improvement in mean eGFR after 1 month
-17/21 patients in the group that received eculizumab in ≤7days after presentation had a sustained increase in eGFR after 3 months which remained stable throughout 1 year.
-In the group that received eculizumab after >7days, 36/76 had sustained increase in eGFR at1 year.
Greenbaum et al (2016)44
First prospective trial conducted exclusively in aHUS patients <18 years
19 completed 26 weeks
Ages 5 months–17 years
IC – LDH ≥1.5× ULN, hemoglobin ≤ LLN, fragmented RBCs with a negative Coombs test
EP – complete TMA response by 26 weeks
11 11 10 2 26 weeks −14 patients had achieved a complete TMA response by 26 weeks.
-18 patients achieved hematological normalization, and 16 had 25% or better serum creatinine after a median of 55 and 21 days, respectively.
-9/11 patients discontinued dialysis
-PE/PI was discontinued in all patients.
Kato et al (2019)31
Interim analysis of the post-marketing surveillance
33 patients with aHUS
27 patients with secondary TMA
IC – patients with aHUS diagnosis based on the Japanese diagnostic guide and received at least 1 dose of eculizumab
EP – TMA event-free status, complete TMA response, hematologic outcomes, and renal outcomes
11 of the 18 aHUS patients tested for genetic mutations 17 18 None 24 weeks -Among 29 aHUS patients with available baseline data, platelet count, LDH, and SCr improved in 1 month after beginning eculizumab.
-19 patients were TMA event-free, 5 patients had a complete TMA response, 13 patients had platelet normalization, and 16 patients had a decrease in serum creatinine.
Kumar et al45
Retrospective cohort study
Median age 64 months
IC –platelet count ≥150×109/L
LDH levels <ULN
≥25% decrease in SCr level from baseline on two consecutive measurements obtained ≥4 weeks apart
NA 6 6 NA Patients were followed from January 2012 to January 2018 −9 days after patients had received eculizumab treatment, 14 had improved hematological response and 13 had improved TMA response.
-6 patients, who had required PE/PI, none continued to require further transfusions after eculizumab treatment.
- 6 patients who had previously required dialysis, only 1 remained on dialysis after treatment.
Fakhouri et al46 (2016) Open-label single-arm phase 2 trial 41 patients
Age 18 years or older
IC – platelet count <150×10(3)/μL, hemoglobin ≤ LLNLDH≥1.5×ULN, and SCr≥ULN
EP – complete TMA response
21 24 35 9 26 weeks -Platelet counts and eGFR increased from baseline in 40 and 22 patients, respectively (P<0.001).
-35 patients receiving PE/PI at the beginning, discontinued by week 26.
-OF 24 dialysis- dependent patients, five recovered kidney function before starting therapy with eculizumab and 15 of the remaining 19 discontinued dialysis during eculizumab treatment.
Merill et al47 (2017) Single center, retrospective
Median patient age at presentation was 46 years, with 76% females
IC – patients fulfilling aHUS criteria, testing negative for Shiga toxin, with ADAMTS13 levels above 10%, and receiving eculizumab
EP – dialysis independence at last follow-up, TMA-event-free status
11 9 12 None Median duration of eculizumab therapy was 90.5 days
Follow-up after cessation of eculizumab was a median 308.5 days
−94% of all patients had TMA event-free status
-82% patients were dialysis-free after last follow-up
-Two patients died during eculizumab treatment
Huerta et al48 (2018) Retrospective study 22 IC – women with pregnancy-associated aHUS 9 9 NA NA Median duration of eculizumab treatment – 10 months −17 patients received PE/PI, but only 3 showed improvement in renal function.
-Ten patients received eculizumab and all of them had resolution of TMA
- Amongst the remaining 12 patients, six patients needed RRT during follow- up and later-on received renal transplants.

Note: Data from references.23,31,4048

Abbreviations: TMA, thrombotic microangiopathy; TCA, total complement activity; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; PE/PI, plasma exchange/plasma infusion; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; SCr, serum creatinine; ULN, upper limit of normal; LLN, lower limit of normal; NA, data unavailable; sTNFR1, soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-1; MAHA, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia; aHUS, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome; FH, factor H.