Figure 1. TRPC3 is predominantly expressed in the cerebellum in a zebrin-related pattern.
(A) Representative image and magnification (right) of sagittal cryosection of an adult mouse brain stained with anti-TRPC3. Inset, plane of section. (B) Coronal immunofluorescence images with anti-TRPC3 (red), anti-Zebrin II/Aldolase C (green) and anti-calbindin (blue) staining of the cerebellar cortex (left), with magnifications (right). TRPC3 is expressed in the cerebellar PCs and UBCs (triangles), in a pattern that in the vermis complements that of zebrin and appears more uniform in the hemispheres. Inset, plane of section. (C) Posterior coronal section of the cerebellar cortex (top) used to performed a quantification of the relative intensity of immunofluorescence staining of TRPC3, Zebrin II/Aldolase C and calbindin for PCs in the vermis (ventral lob. VIII, middle) and the hemisphere (ventral PM, bottom) (values normalized to the respective means). (D) Similar analysis of dorsal lob. III (middle) and sulcus of Sim to Crus I (bottom) in anterior section (top). TRPC3 expression is largely complementary to Zebrin II in the vermis and parts of the hemispheres (black arrow heads), but more uniform in other hemispheric areas. In general, TRPC3 expression demonstrates a weaker differentiation between low and high levels than Zebrin II. I-X, cerebellar lobules I-X; Sim, Simplex lobule; Cr II, Crus II; PM, paramedian lobule; Cop, Copula Pyramidis; gcl, granule cell layer; pcl, Purkinje cell layer; ml, molecular layer; D, dorsal; V, ventral; M, medial; L, lateral.