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. 2018 Jul 24;26(6):1134–1139. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2018.07.010

Table 1.

Root and shoot dry weights, plant yield and leaf ion (K+, Ca++, Na+, Cl- and K+/Na+) concentrations of Falconstar cucumber cv. grafted on different rooststocks and grown in different soilless media under different salinity stress conditions.

Graft combinations Salinity levels (dS m−1) Root dry weight (g) Shoot dry weight (g) Yield (kg plant−1) K+ (%) Ca++ (%) Na+ (%) Cl (%) K+/Na+ ratio
FS/Nun9075 2.5 34.07 c 68.70 de 6.77 bc 1.65 bc 9.81 ab 0.06f 0.34 f 29.61 a
5.0 7.63 ef 19.19 fe 2.57 de 1.67 bc 7.02 cd 0.58 d 1.24 de 3.81 efg
7.5 7.88 ef 21.93 f 1.19 fg 1.60 bcd 6.69 cd 0.60 d 1.94 c 3.03 efg

FS/RS841 2.5 33.92 c 73.92 cd 5.71 bc 1.06 e 11.4 a 0.16f 0.30 f 8.03 e
5.0 8.71 ef 22.18 f 2.64 de 1.20 b–e 7.79 cd 0.62 d 1.35 de 2.08 efg
7.5 10.47 ef 23.26 f 1.49 ef 1.15 de 5.26 ef 0.63 d 1.75 c 2.29 efg

FS/TZ148 2.5 40.77 b 82.01 c 7.05 b 1.29 b–e 10.4 ab 0.10f 0.26 f 13.46 d
5.0 7.14 ef 20.40 f 2.78 d 1.35 b–e 7.12 cd 0.69 d 1.18 de 4.05 efg
7.5 7.48 ef 22.27 f 1.25 ef 0.97 e 4.33 f 0.48 de 1.42 d 3.24 efg

FS/Avar 2.5 33.9 c 60.29 e 6.74 bc 1.70 b 10.18 ab 0.13f 0.34 f 28.07 ab
5.0 8.98 ef 19.43 fe 2.63 de 1.11 de 6.79 de 0.62 d 1.22 de 2.53 efg
7.5 6.89 ef 17.89 fe 1.06 fg 1.27 b–e 6.36 de 0.75 cd 2.25 b 1.76 fg

FS/Local-1 2.5 26.89 d 60.61 e 2.54 de 2.29 a 10.93 ab 0.09f 0.35 f 24.08 bc
5.0 3.67 f 9.83 g 1.12 fg 1.43 b–e 7.40 cd 0.61 d 1.23 de 2.46 efg
7.5 4.28 f 15.61 fe 0.63 gh 1.16 de 5.03 ef 0.60 d 1.94 c 2.19 efg

FS/Local-3 2.5 46.56 ab 93.33 b 5.42 c 2.20 a 9.44 b 0.11f 0.35 f 19.05 c
5.0 9.78 ef 24.89 f 2.17 de 1.73 b 7.96 c 0.73 cd 1.23 de 2.53 efg
7.5 7.50 ef 20.00 f 0.47 h 1.75 b 6.56 de 1.04c 1.94 c 2.84 efg

Falconstar (control) 2.5 50.37 a 113.78 a 8.58 a 1.29 b–e 9.81 ab 0.21 e 0.34 f 6.72 ef
5.0 11.86 e 14.33 fe 1.29 ef 1.43 b–e 6.69 de 2.88b 1.91 c 0.51 g
7.5 6.93 ef 21.74 f 0.81 gh 1.37 b–e 6.20 de 3.28 a 2.88 a 0.42 g

Growing media
Perlite 2.5 42.48 a 80.25 a 5.20 b 1.91 a 9.19 c 0.13 d 0.34 d 23.1 a
5.0 8.69 cd 16.22 d 1.81 d 1.32 b 6.34 e 1.22 ab 1.23 c 1.52 c
7.5 8.27 cd 17.96 cd 0.78 d 1.17 b 4.66 f 0.92 bc 2.22 a 2.14 c

Rockwool 2.5 28.85 b 79.50 a 5.56 b 1.52 b 10.25 b 0.10 d 0.33 d 17.53 b
5.0 6.02 cd 13.92 d 1.44 d 1.41 b 6.98 e 0.96 bc 1.28 c 2.35 c
7.5 4.60 d 14.35 d 0.81 d 1.32 b 4.91 f 1.40 a 2.16 a 1.21 c

Cocopeat 2.5 42.88 a 77.10 a 7.56 a 1.48 b 11.75 a 0.14 d 0.31 d 14.67 b
5.0 10.05 c 25.69 bc 3.23 c 1.52 b 8.43 d 0.70c 1.44 bc 3.84 c
7.5 9.17 c 28.85 b 1.38 d 1.48 b 7.75 d 0.84 bc 1.59 b 3.41 c

Values followed by the same letter or letters within the same column are not significantly different at a 5% level Duncan’s multiple range test.