Fig. 2.
Performance of Sr2GaCoO5 towards oxygen evolution in neutral-pH. a Linear sweep voltammogram of Sr2GaCoO5, commercial IrO2 and blank electrode with only glassy carbon and ink. All current densities were normalized based on the surface area measured in Brunauer–Emmett–Teller analysis, 8.4 m2·g−1 for Sr2GaCoO5 and 32.0 m2 g−1 for IrO2. The current for the blank electrode was normalized to the surface area of Sr2GaCoO5 loaded on the electrode. b Tafel plot of Sr2GaCoO5 and commercial IrO2. The data is fitted with the equation , where is the preexponential factor and V0 is the equilibrium voltage. c Cyclic voltammetry of Sr2GaCoO5. No appreciable change was observed during 200 repeated scans. d Galvanostatic experiments at constant current densities. The overpotentials at constant current densities of 20, 50, and 100 μA·cm−2oxide was stabilized at 0.28, 0.30 and 0.32 V, respectively. e Potentiostatic experiments at constant voltages. The capacity retention after five hours of operation was 94–96%. f Comparison of the overpotentials for Sr2GaCoO5, Sr2AlCoO5, and IrO2 at the same current densities in pH 7 and pH 13 solutions