Fig. 6.
Deletion of prorenin receptor (PRR) in Foxd1+ stromal progenitors delays nephron differentiation. A–H: WT1 immunostaining (red) is present in podocytes on control (Con) mice (arrows in A, C, and D). Reduced expression of WT1 (red) in deeper, more differentiated nephrons in conditional deletion (cKO) mice (arrows in E). I–P: decreased expression of Jag1 (Jagged1) in renal vesicles of cKO (arrows in N and O) compared with Con (arrows in J and K) mice. Cyto, anti-pancytokeratin, marker of ureteric bud (UB, arrows in B and F); Ltl, lotus tetragonolobus lectin, marker of proximal tubule.