miR-10a-5p reduced inflammation and restored CL-induced beige adipogenesis in gWAT of macrophage specific Dicer KO mice. A. miR-10a-5p mimic and CL injection B-D. qPCR analysis of miR-10a-5p, Ucp1, Dio2, Mki67 and pro-/anti-inflammatory gene expression in gWAT of DicerCsf1rKO mice injected with miR-10a-5p mimics liposome and CL for 3 days (negative controls: N.C., mean ± S.E.M, Bonferroni posttests, n = 4–5 per group,***p < 0.001; two-way ANOVA: p values indicate significance of miR-10a-5p treatment effects). E. Representative images of H/E staining of paraffin sections of gWAT. F. EdU staining of paraffin sections of gWAT and quantification (size of bar = 40 μm).