Fig. 2.
Global analysis of HRV’s features before and after RIC procedure. Each graph corresponds to one HRV feature: Mean R-R intervals (ms); median R-R intervals (ms); percentage of intervals falling outside a 50 ms difference, pNN50 (%); root mean square of successive differences of the R-R interval values per event (rMSSD (ms); normalized low frequency power spetrum density, nuLF PSD (%); normalized high frequency power spectrum density, nuHF PSD (%); LF and HF normalized power spectrum density ratio, LF/HF; SD1 axis of the Poincaré plot, SD1 axis (ms); SD2 axis of the Poincaré plot, SD2 axis (ms) and SD1/SD2 per event. Red lines correspond to mean value, black lines correspond to median value and * p-value < 0.05