The correlation relationship among yield-related traits, and mid-parent heterosis (MPH) for those traits, and QTL distribution in the different datasets. a Pearson’s correlation coefficients among yield-related traits and MPH (|r2| > = 0.5). The yellow lines indicate significant correlation found in the MPH dataset; Blue line indicates significant correlation in the RILs; green line indicates significant correlation in both the IF2 and the MPH dataset; black lines indicate significant correlations found across the RILs, the IF2 and the MPH dataset. The number below each trait indicates the number of the correlated traits. b Hierarchical cluster analysis (“hclust”) of phenotypic traits based on the standardized data in the RILs. The short-scale indicates Euclidean distance. c Frequency distribution of QTLs with PVE (phenotypic variance explained by each QTL) detected in the RILs, IF2 population, and the MPH dataset. The vertical and dashed lines indicate the median values. d The QTL numbers for nine yield-related traits identified in the RILs, IF2 population, and the MPH dataset. e Venn diagram for the 156 QTLs detected using averaged means for yield-related traits (EWPE, ear weight per ear; CWPE, cob weight per ear; EL, ear length; ED, ear diameter; CD, cob diameter; RN, row number; KNPR, kernel number per row; KWPE, kernel weight per ear; RKP, rate of kernel production) across environments in the RILs and IF2 populations, and the MPH dataset