Fig. 4.
Distribution of markers in the whole genome and significant loci for yield-related traits with dominance and over-dominance effect. The ratio D/A was calculated in two ways: both additive and dominance genetic effects (A and D) were estimated from the IF2 population (IF2) or additive effects (A) were estimated from RILs and dominance effects (D) from the MPH dataset (MPH/RIL). SMA, single-marker analysis; ICIM, inclusive composite interval mapping. PO, PD, ND, and NO, indicate positive overdominance, positive dominance, negative dominance, and negative overdominance effects, respectively. EWPE, ear weight per ear; CWPE, cob weight per ear; EL, ear length; ED, ear diameter; CD, cob diameter; RN, row number; KNPR, kernel number per row; KWPE, kernel weight per ear; RKP, rate of kernel production