Figure 4.
T cell subsets of porcine MAIT cells in tissues. (A) FACS profiles for sorting CD4+, CD8+, and DN (double negative, CD4−CD8−) T cell subsets from single cell suspensions of porcine spleen. (B) Relative abundance of pMAIT TCRα in three T-cell subpopulations from peripheral blood and tissues. CD4+, CD8+, and DN T cells were sorted from different samples using flow cytometry, and then were used to synthesize cDNA for qPCR analysis. Two qPCR amplifications were performed with each cDNA sample prepared from tissues to analyze the expression of MAIT TCR Vα-Jα and total TCRα (Cα). The relatively abundance of MAIT TCRα mRNA in total TCRα cDNA then was estimated through taking the ratio of Vα-Jα/Cα. Samples are taken from three pigs, and data are representative of three experiments on the same samples from each pig. Bars indicate mean ± SD. PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell; SI, small intestine.