Characterizations of N-Col-GO hybrid membrane. Macroscopic view (A, D, G, J) and SEM images (B-C, E-F, H-I, K-L) of the Col, N-Col, Col-GO, and N-Col-GO hybrid membranes. Water absorption (M), water retention (N), porosity (O), elasticity modulus (P), and X-ray diffraction of N-Col-GO hybrid membrane (Q). (R) Ramon spectrum of N-Col-GO hybrid membrane; dashed lines show the specific peak of GO at 1379 nm and 1611 nm, while the specific peak of NAC is at 2549 nm. (S) (ATR)-FTIR of N-Col-GO hybrid membrane shows major peaks of collagen, GO, and NAC. (mean ± SD; *:P < 0.05, **:P< 0.01; Scale bars in B, E, H, and K: 100 µm; C, F, I, and L: 20 µm.)