Figure 5.
Retinal ganglion cell loss in APP/PS1 transgenic (TG) mice. Analyses of retinal cross sections show Aβ/APP immunoreactivity (brown color) in different layers of retina and more pronounced in TG-Blast compared to TG-Sham mice (A, B). RGC density is lower in TG-Blast mice compared to Non-TG-Sham mice (C, P < 0.05, 1-way ANOVA with Bonferroni's multiple comparison test). There was not a significant difference in TG-Sham mice compared to Non-TG-Sham mice or TG-Blast mice (P > 0.05, 1-way ANOVA with Bonferroni's multiple comparison test). Amyloid plaque load in the cerebral cortex of TG-Sham and TG-Blast mice, as percent area immunoreactive with an Aβ/APP antibody 6E10 and two Aβ antibodies directed toward neoepitopes at C-terminal amino acid 40 (valine, Aβx-40) or C-terminal amino acid 42 (alanine, Aβx-42). Plaque load values in each group were not normally distributed (D'Agostino and Pearson normality test, P < 0.01); consequently, for each antibody type, TG-Sham and TG-Blast groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney t-test. The greater 6E10 plaque load in TG-Blast mice was not statistically significantly different from the TG-Sham group (Mann-Whitney U test = 56, P = 0.08). Similar though weaker trends were observed when Aβx-40 (P = 0.0956, Mann-Whitney t-test) and Aβx-42 (P = 0.1444, Mann-Whitney t-test) were used to mark plaques (D). Scale bar: 35 μm.