Figure 2.
Sat-T1 inhibited the replication of a modified RNA1 (RNA1Δ1a) and RNA2 (RNA2Δ2a2b), but not RNA3. (A) Replication of sat-T1 promoted by the transiently expressed CMV replicase. Sat-T1 was transiently co-expressed with the CMV 1a and 2a proteins or a vector (pCB301) by agroinfiltration into the 6th true leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana plants. RNA silencing suppressor, tomato bushy stunt virus-encoded p19 was co-expressed in the experiment. The accumulation of sat-T1 in the infiltrated leaves was analyzed by northern blot hybridization at 5 days post-infiltration (dpi). (B-D) Replication of RNA1Δ1a (lacking the 1a protein), RNA2Δ2a2b (lacking the 2a and 2b proteins) or RNA3 in the presence or absence of sat-T1 promoted by the transiently expressed CMV replicase. The CMV 1a and 2a proteins were co-expressed with RNA1Δ1 (B), RNA2Δ2a2b (C) or RNA3 (D), combined with or without the expression of sat-T1 via agroinfiltration as described above. The p19 silencing suppressor was co-expressed in this experiment. Viral and satellite RNAs in the infiltrated leaves were examined by northern blot hybridization at 5 dpi. Their relative levels were arbitrarily quantified and shown below. Equal loading was confirmed by staining of rRNAs with ethidium bromide.