Table 1.
Pairwise Genomic Distances of MTB and Closely Related SGM Species
ANI [% Aligned] | Mtub | Mcan | Mdec | Mshi | Mlac | Mriy | Mkan | Mmar | Mszu | Mgor |
Mtub | — | 97.79 [90.62] | 85.18 [70.43] | 82.22 [67.21] | 81.46 [66.70] | 80.51 [67.74] | 79.63 [65.42] | 78.57 [64.75] | 79.28 [64.01] | 77.70 [62.28] |
Mcan | 97.71 [88.79] | — | 85.15 [69.71] | 81.99 [65.98] | 81.43 [66.31] | 80.63 [67.40] | 79.69 [64.68] | 78.57 [63.34] | 79.28 [63.35] | 77.57 [60.75] |
Mdec | 84.34 [62.60] | 84.39 [63.23] | — | 80.91 [58.13] | 81.30 [63.57] | 80.42 [67.40] | 79.45 [66.00] | 78.57 [66.67] | 79.32 [65.69] | 77.55 [62.72] |
Mshi | 82.21 [67.90] | 82.08 [67.84] | 81.48 [65.71] | — | 82.37 [70.53] | 81.43 [69.12] | 80.68 [67.36] | 79.37 [65.38] | 80.35 [66.50] | 78.79 [64.74] |
Mlac | 81.15 [62.01] | 81.25 [62.28] | 81.63 [65.53] | 82.12 [65.19] | — | 82.04 [70.44] | 80.46 [67.77] | 79.06 [65.30] | 80.49 [67.68] | 78.59 [64.42] |
Mriy | 79.54 [52.03] | 79.59 [52.38] | 80.17 [57.26] | 80.49 [52.49] | 81.14 [58.74] | — | 79.13 [58.92] | 77.90 [56.69] | 80.93 [64.48] | 77.56 [58.40] |
Mkan | 78.62 [47.78] | 78.63 [48.36] | 79.07 [54.05] | 79.65 [49.10] | 79.70 [53.48] | 79.13 [56.38] | — | 79.07 [59.76] | 78.92 [58.72] | 77.54 [57.73] |
Mmar | 77.31 [49.41] | 77.35 [49.69] | 77.98 [57.08] | 78.31 [48.95] | 78.04 [53.76] | 77.59 [56.56] | 78.82 [62.67] | — | 77.37 [59.18] | 76.53 [58.75] |
Mszu | 77.82 [47.14] | 77.84 [47.64] | 78.53 [55.11] | 78.99 [48.53] | 79.25 [54.46] | 80.39 [62.95] | 78.35 [60.67] | 77.24 [57.97] | — | 77.79 [61.73] |
Mgor | 76.20 [40.69] | 76.23 [40.77] | 76.76 [45.98] | 77.29 [41.74] | 77.22 [45.49] | 76.96 [50.24] | 76.99 [51.96] | 76.16 [50.79] | 77.60 [54.55] | — |
Notes.—ANI values were calculated from genome to genome BLAST-based comparison. Within brackets: aligned genome percentage.
Bold: higher ANI values with MTBC, as compared with previously studied reference outgroups M. kansasii and M. marinum.
Mtub, M. tuberculosis H37Rv; Mcan, M. canettii STBK; Mdec, M. decipiens; Mlac, M. lacus; Mriy, M. riyadhense; Mkan, M. kansasii; Mmar, M. marinum E11; Mszu, M. szulgai; Mgor, M. gordonae.