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. 2019 Sep 3;8(9):giz111. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giz111

Table 1:

Genome assembly and annotation statistics of the eastern yellow robin

Parameter Details
Organism Eopsaltria australis (eastern yellow robin)
Isolate EYR054 (sex = female; data type: Illumina standard paired-end and Nanopore long read)
EYR056 (sex = female; data type: Illumina mate-pair )
Bioproject PRJNA476023
Biosample SAMN09425179 (isolate EYR054)
SAMN10581952 (isolate EYR056) 
GenBank assembly accession GCA_0,034,26825.1 (QKXG01) 
Assembled length 1,228,344,903 bp 
Scaffold N50 987,278 bp 
Number of scaffolds 20,702 
Number of predicted protein-coding genes 23,905 
Repeat annotation (%)
 LINEs 39,888,415 bp (3.25) 
 LTR elements 85,519,635 (6.96) 
 DNA elements 6,416,492 (0.52) 
 Unclassified repeats 42,749,317 (3.48) 
 Satellites 1,967,923 (0.16)
 Simple repeats 14,300,770 (1.16)
 Low complexity 3,128,912 (0.25)
BUSCO completeness (aves_odb9) Whole genome Predicted proteome
 Complete BUSCO 4,627 (94.2%) 3,795 (77.2%)
 Complete and single-copy BUSCO 4,436 (90.3%) 3,302 (67.2%)
 Complete and duplicated BUSCO 191 (3.9%) 493 (10.0%)
 Fragmented BUSCO 163 (3.3%) 590 (12.0%)
 Missing BUSCO 125 (2.5%) 530 (10.8%)
 Total BUSCO groups search 4,915 4,915

LINE: long interspersed nuclear element; LTR: long terminal repeat.